The difficulty on the platform and levels is not out of this world but its pretty enjoyable and also remember the power ups? well you are gonna use them allot, this is one of the things i love from videogames that they give you something not for a specific use but for you to do whatever you want with them and they are very useful on every mission, its also not afraid to throw special missions that break the platforming formula and experiment a little which is executed perfectly.

Now there is one detail with the controls and its the camera, you cant control it to see specific things and you can only focus the camera to look slightly up, this is bad and stupid and i dont know why they make it like this. The way hat kid (thats her name) moves is similar to mario in mario sunshine, she can jump, dive and wall jump but she can also double jump, cancel the momentum of the dive a front flip and has different power ups at her disposal, if i were to compare the controls of other platformers like banjo kazooie, mario sunshine, and crash i would say that a hat in time is the one with the most control and enjoyable to play, the movement hat kid has its INSANE in fact it gives you so much control you can move with such confidence in the worlds you explore with no little fear of messing up, not because its easy but because the movement she has is very vast and easy to handle. The story is not amazing, is simple like getting a kiss and cake from a princess, but the gameplay is another story.

A hat in time is the story of a young lady from space who stores magical time pieces (think of it as stars in mario 64) and uses them as fuel A hat in time is the story of a young lady from space who stores magical time pieces (think of it as stars in mario 64) and uses them as fuel to go home, one day an accident happens and she loses all of them so she has to travel to 5 different worlds to get them back.